Directive 2004/35/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage
European Legislation
European Legislation
Affected LAPs:
Land use plan (zone prohibition)
Production of hydrogen / Centralised
(Electrolysis, Steam-Methane reforming, and H2 liquification)
Permitting process (include former LAP: emission regulation)
Production of hydrogen / Centralised
(Electrolysis, Steam-Methane reforming, and H2 liquification)
Permitting requirements (include LAP: safety-distances)
Production of hydrogen / Centralised
(Electrolysis, Steam-Methane reforming, and H2 liquification)
Simplified process
Production of hydrogen / Localised
(Electrolysis, Steam-Methane reforming, and H2 liquification)
Land use plan (zone prohibition)
Production of hydrogen / Localised
(Electrolysis, Steam-Methane reforming, and H2 liquification)
Permitting process (include LAP: emission regulation)
Production of hydrogen / Localised
(Electrolysis, Steam-Methane reforming, and H2 liquification)
Permitting requirements (include former LAP: safety-distances)
Production of hydrogen / Localised
(Electrolysis, Steam-Methane reforming, and H2 liquification)