Permitting requirements (include LAP: safety-distances)
This LAP refers to the permitting requirements. In particular it underlines if there are some requirements in terms of environmental assessment, risk assessment, safety requirements.
Permitting requirements are the legal (regulations and standards) requirements for hydrogen production approval.
An internal safety distance is the minimal separation distance between a potential hazard source (e.g. equipment involving dangerous substances) and an object (human, equipment or environment), which will mitigate the effect of a likely foreseeable incident and prevent a minor incident escalating into a larger incident (also known as domino effect).
An internal safety distance is the minimal separation distance between a potential hazard source (e.g. equipment involving dangerous substances) and an object (human, equipment or environment), which will mitigate the effect of a likely foreseeable incident and prevent a minor incident escalating into a larger incident (also known as domino effect).
Pan-European Assessment:
The production of hydrogen is subject to a significant number of requirements. Although enshrined in national legislation following transposition, the source of most of these requirements can be traced to EU Directives in various fields.
As a result of EU level rules, hydrogen production plans (irrespective of the methods of production) will be subject to:
• Risk Assessments (as operationalised from the general obligations laid down in the SEVESO Directive).
• Health and Safety requirements and conformity assessment procedures, as envisioned by the ATEX Directive.
• Integrated Environmental obligations, as required by the IED.
• Environmental Impact Assessment procedures, as envisioned by the SEA and EIA Directives.
Nevertheless, while the overall requirements are similar across all partner countries, significant differences in interpretation and implementation exist.
As a result of EU level rules, hydrogen production plans (irrespective of the methods of production) will be subject to:
• Risk Assessments (as operationalised from the general obligations laid down in the SEVESO Directive).
• Health and Safety requirements and conformity assessment procedures, as envisioned by the ATEX Directive.
• Integrated Environmental obligations, as required by the IED.
• Environmental Impact Assessment procedures, as envisioned by the SEA and EIA Directives.
Nevertheless, while the overall requirements are similar across all partner countries, significant differences in interpretation and implementation exist.
severity of barrier:
No data No barrier Low Medium High