The Norwegian Energy Act / Lov om produksjon, omforming, overføring, omsetning, fordeling og bruk av energi m.m. (energiloven)

National Legislation (Norway)
Relation with EU Legislation:
Makes reference to the EEC agreement annex IV no. 7 (dir 90/377), no. 17 (dir 2002/91), no. 19 (dir (dir 2001/77), no. 20 (regulation 1228/2003), no. 22 (dir 2003/54), no. 24 (dir 2004/8), or. 25 (dir 2005/89) and no. 29 (2007/74).
National Legislation (adopted by parliament), Mandatory (decree)
Affected LAPs:
Guarantee of Origin
Gas grid issues / Methanation and injection of Methane (SNG) via methanation from hydrogen at transmission / distribution level