Connection to electricity grid (injection of electricity)

This LAP deals with:
• The grid connection agreements with electricity grid operators,
• The equipment required to connect the stationary fuel cell and to inject all produced or only surplus electricity into the grid,
• The qualification requirements for professionals entitled to carry out the connection works,
• The differences in treatment between the fuel cells micro-CHP and other comparable technologies.


Connection of the Fuel cell to the electricity distribution network with the possibility to inject electricity produced by the fuel cell.
As explained above, there are different possibilities of connection to electricity grid (injection)
• Stand-alone (no injection)
• Sell surplus electricity to the grid
• Sell all electricity to the grid

Pan-European Assessment:

There is no common EU framework for connection of stationary fuel cells to the electricity grids. In general, the connection procedures among partner countries require the conclusion of a connection (injection) agreements with the local/ regional electricity network operator. Each network operator has a model text for connection contract and number of templates to be filled in. The connection requirements are more general for all types of power generating units and are not specified for FC micro-CHP systems. In some countries for the signing of the connection agreement it is necessary to submit quite extensive technical documentation and even to carry out a feasibility study, which may cause additional costs and delays. The time needed for signing of a grid connection agreement vary widely among the partner countries and may take up to six months. Although, this is not seen as a significant operational or economic barrier to the market entry of stationary fuel cells, there is a need to simplify the administrative procedures and to reduce and adapt the required technical documentation and possible preliminary studies.
Is it a barrier?
Assessment Severity
Administrative agreement processes and electrical safety issue for grid connection. Most of the electricity distributor companies and the electricity producer companies have ready processes and agreement templates for the connection. The connection work has to be done by certified electrician after there is a permission form the distributor company.


Question 1 Agreement required? a) From whom? b) Model text? c) How much time does it take?
Yes, two agreements
Question 1 Agreement required? a - From whom?
a - The local electricity distribution company (network service agreement) and the electricity producer company (agreement of selling the excess electricity from self production).
Question 1 Agreement required? b - Model text?
b - Available at the companies
Question 1 Agreement required? c - How much time does it take?
c - A month
Question 2 Requirement for additional equipment: a - all cases
a - The producer buys the fuel cell equipment himself/herself. An electricity generation installation with nominal power up to 100 kVA does not require a separate metering device, as it is sufficient that the electricity acquired from the network (network input) and electricity fed into the network (network output) are metered separately from the site with a remotely read meter. A circuit breaker is required to prevent network input in case of a blackout of the network.
Question 2 Requirement for additional equipment: b - additional requirements in case where all produced electricity is sold (injected)
b - No
Question 2 Requirement for additional equipment: c - additional Requirements in case when only surplus electricity is sold (injected)
c - This is the base case for household self–production. An electricity generation installation with nominal power up to 100 kVA does not require a separate metering device, as it is sufficient that the electricity acquired from the network (network input) and electricity fed into the network (network output) are metered separately from the site with a remotely read meter. A circuit breaker is required to prevent network input in case of a blackout of the network.
Question 2 Requirement for additional equipment: d - additional requirements in case of self-consumption (no injection in the grid)
d - If there’s no connection to an electricity network, there is no need for agreements either
Question 3 Who can do the connection work (professional skills requirement)?
Connecting a generation installation is always electrical work that can only be carried out by a skilled person with electrical installation permit S1 (all electrical works) or S2 (electrical works up to 1000 V).
Question 4 Technology to be compared with: Difference of treatment between the Fuel cells and the benchmark technology.
Similar to solar photovoltaic or micro cogeneration in terms of regulation.
Describe the comparable technology and its relevance with regard to hydrogen
Solar photovoltaic

National legislation: