Resolution of 22 of September of 2011, of the Directorate General of Energy Policy and mines, by which modifies the protocol of detail PD–01 «Measurement» of the norms of technical management of the gas system.
National Legislation (Spain)
National regulation (government)
Affected LAPs:
Legal framework: permissions and restrictions (and Ownership constraints (unbundling))
Gas grid issues / Injection of Hydrogen at transmission level (for energy storage and enhancing sustainabily)
Permission to connect/inject
Gas grid issues / Injection of Hydrogen at transmission level (for energy storage and enhancing sustainabily)
Payment issues
Gas grid issues / Injection of Hydrogen at transmission level (for energy storage and enhancing sustainabily)
H2 quality requirements
Gas grid issues / Injection of Hydrogen at transmission level (for energy storage and enhancing sustainabily)
Safety requirements (compliance with safety regulation / risk control expectations)
Gas grid issues / Injection of Hydrogen at transmission level (for energy storage and enhancing sustainabily)
Safety requirements related to the end-user equipment
Gas grid issues / Injection of Hydrogen at transmission level (for energy storage and enhancing sustainabily)
Legal framework: permissions and restrictions (and Ownership constraints (unbundling))
Gas grid issues / Injection of Hydrogen at distribution level (for energy storage and enhancing sustainability)
Payment issues
Gas grid issues / Injection of Hydrogen at distribution level (for energy storage and enhancing sustainability)
H2 quality requirements
Gas grid issues / Injection of Hydrogen at distribution level (for energy storage and enhancing sustainability)
Safety requirements (compliance with safety regulation / risk control expectations)
Gas grid issues / Injection of Hydrogen at distribution level (for energy storage and enhancing sustainability)
Safety requirements related to the end-user equipment
Gas grid issues / Injection of Hydrogen at distribution level (for energy storage and enhancing sustainability)
Legal framework: permissions and restrictions (and Ownership constraints (unbundling))
Gas grid issues / Methanation and injection of Methane (SNG) via methanation from hydrogen at transmission / distribution level