The Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority is responsible under Romanian Primary Law for creating a modern energy sector, corresponding to the major principles and objectives of the European Union energy policy of electricity and natural gas market liberalization and capable of meeting consumer demand, ANRE has developed and issued in recent years approx. 986 orders, decisions and opinions in accordance with the obligations deriving from the primary national law and the European legislation

National Legislation (Romania)
Relation with EU Legislation:
In accordance to the provisions of Law no. 160/2012 on the organization and functioning of ANRE, respectively Article 9(1)(w), ANRE complies with and implements all relevant and legally binding decisions of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators – ACER – and the European Commission; the decisions of the European Commission issued under Article 39(8) of Directive 2009/72/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009
National Legislation (adopted by parliament)
Affected LAPs:
Legal framework: permissions and restrictions (and Ownership constraints (unbundling))
Gas grid issues / Methanation and injection of Methane (SNG) via methanation from hydrogen at transmission / distribution level