Energy Industry Law (Energiewirtschaftsgesetz, EnWG)

National Legislation (Germany)
Relation with EU Legislation:
Directive 2009/73
National Legislation (adopted by parliament), Mandatory (decree)
Affected LAPs:
Legal framework: permissions and restrictions (and Ownership constraints (unbundling))
Gas grid issues / Injection of Hydrogen at transmission level (for energy storage and enhancing sustainabily)
Payment issues
Gas grid issues / Injection of Hydrogen at transmission level (for energy storage and enhancing sustainabily)
Legal framework: permissions and restrictions (and Ownership constraints (unbundling))
Gas grid issues / Injection of Hydrogen at distribution level (for energy storage and enhancing sustainability)
Legal framework: permissions and restrictions (and Ownership constraints (unbundling))
Gas grid issues / Methanation and injection of Methane (SNG) via methanation from hydrogen at transmission / distribution level
Payment issues
Gas grid issues / Methanation and injection of Methane (SNG) via methanation from hydrogen at transmission / distribution level