Safety requirements related to the end-user equipment
This LAP is concerned with the safety requirements (and design and operational aspects) for commercial and domestic end-user equipment operating with hydrogen gas blends resulting from hydrogen injected and transmitted in the gas grid at the TSO level
The requirements needed to guarantee the safety of the end user application.
Is it a barrier?
Type of Barrier
Structural barriers, Operational barriers, Economic barriers, Regulatory gap
Assessment Severity
Question 1
Is there any legislation with regard to safety requirements related to end-user equipment (e.g.: limits in terms of H2 for use in gas appliances)?
If yes, please answer the following question.
, Standards for gas–fired appliances are currently developed by CEN. These are generally produced in support of the Gas Appliances Directive (GAD) 2009/142/EC, soon to be replaced with the Gas Appliance Regulations ((EU) 2016/426) and which the UK has adopted,
Question 2
Changes to gas supply composition may have implications for the design of gas appliances (safety) and the relevant legislation.
What are the implications you expect with regard to the possible concentrations of hydrogen in the H2NG blend?
The Gas Appliance Directive (GAD) specifically permits Notified Bodies (in the UK this includes the British Standards Institute (BSI) and Kiwa Gastec) to certify nearly all gaseous fuel appliances against the fundamental requirements of the GAD and manufacturers can (and have already) brought hydrogen appliances to market.
Question 3
For which end user applications do you foresee the main consequences and at which level? Could you please provide references to underpin your opinion?
Essentially all gas appliances, domestic and commercial The GAD already defines in completely generic format the requirement to demonstrate any gas–fired appliance sold in the EU is safe. This directive already applies equally to hydrogen, town gas, biogas, natural gas, propane and or butane.– ref UK DECC desk study on the development of a hydrogen–fired supply chain. July 2016.
Question 4
Changes to gas supply composition may have implications for CNG compression, storage, and use in CNG vehicles.
What are the additional safety precautions needed? Could you please provide references to underpin your opinion
No relevant information obtained on vehicle CNG issues – but this would not be a concern for the UK as the natural gas composition wouldn’t change from a 0.1% H2 composition at least until the primary legislation was changed to allow higher H2 concentrations
Describe the comparable technology and its relevance with regard to hydrogen
National legislation:
Gas Appliances (Safety) Regulations 1995
Covers all appliances burning gaseous fuels and fittings intended to be incorporated within gas appliances