Safety requirements related to the end-user equipment

This LAP is concerned with the safety requirements (and design and operational aspects) for commercial and domestic end-user equipment operating with hydrogen gas blends resulting from hydrogen injected and transmitted in the gas grid at the TSO level


The requirements needed to guarantee the safety of the end user application.
Is it a barrier?
Type of Barrier
Structural barriers, Economic barriers, Regulatory gap
Assessment Severity


Question 1 Is there any legislation with regard to safety requirements related to end-user equipment (e.g.: limits in terms of H2 for use in gas appliances)? If yes, please answer the following question.
Question 2 Changes to gas supply composition may have implications for the design of gas appliances (safety) and the relevant legislation. What are the implications you expect with regard to the possible concentrations of hydrogen in the H2NG blend?
Any H2 concentration in natural gas fuel is determined on national level and in Denmark it must be agreed on with the Danish safety Technology Authority. All natural gas fuelled end–user equipment are certified for a certain gas quality spec. with tolerance of various components. All this to ensure safe and economic operation. Hydrogen is not part of the certification.
Question 3 For which end user applications do you foresee the main consequences and at which level? Could you please provide references to underpin your opinion?
This question is an R&D matter all over the gas world. Several EU projects has worked on this for instance Naturalhy. A lot has too be done (SFEM Hydrogen WP3 etc. Generally the H2 limit is max 2% due to restrictions for CNG vehicles in UNECE regulation R110.
Question 4 Changes to gas supply composition may have implications for CNG compression, storage, and use in CNG vehicles. What are the additional safety precautions needed? Could you please provide references to underpin your opinion
See Above

National legislation: