Legal status of power-to-gas plants and energy storage facilities (energy consumer or energy producer)

This LAP is concerned with implementation of Power to Gas facilities, covering energy consumption (electrolyser operation), energy storage (hydrogen or otherwise), and energy generation (from hydrogen or other storage means) and the extent to which the plant has legal recognition or constrained within the current legal context


Power to gas (also power-to-gas) (often abbreviated P2G) is a technology that converts electricity from renewable energy sources to hydrogen or methane. The renewable gas can be transported in the existing gas infrastructure, stored and then used in a range of applications. It is reconverted when in demand. Likewise, the direct use of hydrogen, for instance in the mobility sector or in refineries, is possible.
Power to Gas is a sectoral integration system solution with which renewable energy sources can be integrated into the energy supply system. Different technologies must interact seamlessly for the Power to Gas concept to work. The most important processes include electrolysis and methanation. Water electrolysis to generate hydrogen is the core process of the Power to Gas concept. Energy storage facilities are facilities which receive energy with the objective of storing it electrically, chemically, electro- chemically, mechanically or thermally and of making it available again for use at a later time

severity of barrier:

No data No barrier Low Medium High