Approval for landing/bunkering installations
This LAP contains information about the procedures for landing and bunkering installations associated with hydrogen transport on vessels. It provides information on the responsible approving authority and the particularities of the procedure when considering hydrogen in it’s liquid or compressed form.
Protection of employees from explosion risk in areas with potentially explosive atmospheres, relating to a set of zone definitions, minimum safety and health requirements, and criteria for the selection of equipment and protective systems in the different zones
Pan-European Assessment:
In most countries, requirements for bunkering (loading) of hydrogen as a fuel on–board the vessel are not yet developed. It is likely that, for now, general rules stemming from storage of hydrogen (see category 2) and rules covering HRS’s (see category 4.4) would apply. It is worth noting that, given the high energy demand of medium to large vessels, the quantities involved will be in the order of several tonnes, hence hydrogen storage facilities would likely be subject to significant obligations and requirements (e.g. SEVESO)
Existing rules for safe handling of inflammable, reactive and pressurized substances (e.g. which cover inter alia LNG) currently apply, however, it is not certain how these would be adapted to hydrogen. From this point of view, this process is characterized by a clear regulatory gap.
Early indication would show that further risk studies and technology qualification is required for the establishment of specific regulatory guidance covering liquid and compressed gaseous hydrogen for landing and bunkering installations. This is further indication that specific regulatory solutions to this regulatory gap are years away. Although there is limited practical experience, the lack of clarity as to the applicable rules s further reinforces the severity of the administrative barriers faced by the introduction of hydrogen as a fuel in the maritime sector.
Existing rules for safe handling of inflammable, reactive and pressurized substances (e.g. which cover inter alia LNG) currently apply, however, it is not certain how these would be adapted to hydrogen. From this point of view, this process is characterized by a clear regulatory gap.
Early indication would show that further risk studies and technology qualification is required for the establishment of specific regulatory guidance covering liquid and compressed gaseous hydrogen for landing and bunkering installations. This is further indication that specific regulatory solutions to this regulatory gap are years away. Although there is limited practical experience, the lack of clarity as to the applicable rules s further reinforces the severity of the administrative barriers faced by the introduction of hydrogen as a fuel in the maritime sector.
severity of barrier:
No data No barrier Low Medium High