Type approval & Individual vehicle registration - Process

This LAP analyses:
• The classification of hydrogen L category vehicles for type approval purposes,
• The applicable types of type approvals,
• The responsible approval authorities, and
• The differences in type approval process of hydrogen L category vehicles compared to conventional vehicles


Type approval means the procedure whereby a EU Member State certifies that a type of vehicle, system, component or separate technical unit satisfies the relevant administrative provisions and Tytechnical requirements.
Motor vehicle registration is the registration of a motor vehicle with a government authority. The purpose of motor vehicle registration is to establish a link between a vehicle and an owner or user of the vehicle. While almost all motor vehicles are uniquely identified by a vehicle identification number, only registered vehicles display a vehicle registration plate and carry a vehicle registration certificate.
Council Directive 1999/37/ EC on the registration documents for vehicle/. Registration means the administrative authorisation for the entry into service in road traffic of a vehicle, involving the identification of the latter and the issuing to it of a serial number, to be known as the registration number.

Pan-European Assessment:

The hydrogen powered bikes, motorcycles and quadricycles are still in market entry phase and there are only a few manufacturers who intend to commercialize them.

The requirements and procedures for the type approval of hydrogen powered L category vehicles are regulated in detail in a number of EU Regulations and referenced standards and do not constitute a structural barrier or regulatory gaps. The lack of experience of national type approval bodies can cause some inconsistences in application of requirements and procedures, delays and additional costs. However, this is not considered as a severe operational or economic barrier to the early market deployment of hydrogen powered L category vehicles. No data are collected about the costs relating to the type approval.
With regard to hydrogen vehicles registration no specific requirements or barriers are identified. A potential structural and economic barrier appears only in Finland, where the hydrogen as a type of fuel is not included in registration templates and therefore a special permission for registration may be required, possibly causing higher cost and time delay.
Is it a barrier?
Assessment Severity
No severe impact as procedures are known


Question 1 How is a hydrogen vehicle classified? (as an electric/gas/hydrogen vehicle?) a - motorcycles (and bikes)
a - electric motorbikes and bicycles and quadricycles – no specific H2 classification. Commission Regulation (EU) No 406/2010 implementing Regulation (EC) No 79/2009 apparently not adopted in Italy at this stage. The Regulation 168/2013, art.4, foresees Hydrogen vehicles classification (category L), however there are no hydrogen bicycles and motorcycles and quadricycles.
Question 1 How is a hydrogen vehicle classified? (as an electric/gas/hydrogen vehicle?) b - quadricycles
b - idem The Regulation 168/2013, art.4, foresees Hydrogen vehicles classification (category L) however there are no hydrogen bicycles and motorcycles and quadricycles.
Question 2 Is there a difference in the type approval process for a hydrogen vehicle compared to a conventional vehicle? a - motorcycles (and bikes)
a - no difference in general, but a specific reference for FCEV (bicycles and motorcycles and quadricycles) is missing – no experience available
Question 2 Is there a difference in the type approval process for a hydrogen vehicle compared to a conventional vehicle? b - quadricycles If yes, please specify, e.g. how long does the procedure take and what are the costs to obtain a type approval?
b - idem
Question 3 What type of type-approval is applicable? a - EU
a - EC–Type approval (Chapter IV of Regulation 168/2013 and Directive 2002/24/EC))
Question 3 What type of type-approval is applicable? b - national
b - Following Articles 71 and 75 of Codice della Strada (Traffic Regulations): indirect type–approval. The procedures are explained in Ministerial Decree 28 of April 28th 2008,
Question 3 What type of type-approval is applicable? c - individual
c - Any type–approval from a European Union Member State, in Italy: Following Articles 71 and 75 of Codice della Strada (Traffic directive): individual type–approval. The procedures are explained in Ministerial Decree 28 of April 28th 2008.
Question 4 Which is the responsible approval authority? a) for the type approval i. motorcycles (and bikes) ii. quadricycles b) for individual vehicle registration i. motorcycles (and bikes) ii. quadricycles
a) for the type approval i. motorcycles (and bikes) ii. quadricycles – Approval shall be carried out by offices of the Motorizzazione Civile (dedicated Agency for the Ministry of Transport) or the Centro Prova Autoveicoli. This can be obtained also though bodies compliant with UNI CEI EN ISO 17020:2012l) b) for individual vehicle registration i. motorcycles (and bikes) ii. quadricycles – Registration of individual vehicles takes place in the provincial offices of the Motorizzazione Civile (UMC) or of the Automobile Club d’Italia (ACI) to be entered in the Pubblico Registro Automobilistico (PRA) upon compliance with type–approval as obtained through procedures above. Not applicable for electric bicycles with less than 25km/h top speed, which are not subject to registration. ii. – idem

National legislation:

EU Legislation: