Service and maintenance

This LAP deals with:
• The differences in the roadworthiness inspection, service and maintenance (process and requirements) for hydrogen vehicles compared to conventional vehicles,
• The responsible authorities/independent bodies to carry out technical inspections,
• The requirements to operate a testing centre/service and maintenance company for hydrogen vehicles.


A motor vehicle service is a series of maintenance procedures carried out at a set time interval or after the vehicle has travelled a certain distance. The service intervals are specified by the vehicle manufacturer in a service schedule and some modern cars display the due date for the next service electronically on the instrument panel. Technical inspection (roadworthiness test) means an inspection designed to ensure that a vehicle is safe to be used on public roads and that it complies with required and mandatory safety and environmental characteristics.

Pan-European Assessment:

The hydrogen powered vehicles as the conventional vehicles are subject to periodic roadworthiness tests. Roadworthiness testing is a part of a wider regime ensuring that vehicles are kept in a safe and environmentally acceptable condition during their use. This regime should provide for periodic roadworthiness tests of vehicles and technical roadside inspection of commercial vehicles as well as a vehicle registration procedure allowing for the suspension of a vehicle’s authorisation to be used in road traffic where the vehicle constitutes an immediate risk to road safety.

The specific service and maintenance requirements and procedures for hydrogen powered vehicles are defined in guidelines, published by the manufacturers. In addition, at national level are issued a limited number of instructions concerning this matter.
The maintenance know-how and expertise will be developed and deployed with the growing number of vehicles and therefore no serious hurdles for service, maintenance and inspections of hydrogen powered vehicles could be identified. However, the lack of clear rules for service and inspection at present is seen as an operational barrier and regulatory gap, which might result in damages to vehicles or work accidents due to the use of inappropriate techniques.

The development of unified rules and procedures for service and inspection of the specific components of hydrogen powered vehicles such as high pressure hydrogen storage, fuel cell stacks and high voltage components by FCEV, hydrogen gas leak detection system are fundamental for the safety performance of hydrogen powered vehicles and could help to achieve a large degree of harmonisation of practice. Skilled service and testing staff and appropriate equipped inspection and maintenance facilities could increase the safety at the workplace and avoid workers' exposure to higher risks.
Is it a barrier?
Assessment Severity
Description of maintenance for FCEV


Question 1 Is there a difference in the service and maintenance inspection (process and requirement) for a hydrogen vehicle compared to a conventional vehicle? a - cars (incl. taxis)
a - Maintenance needs and service requirements for hydrogen (fuel cell) vehicles are similar to those of conventional vehicles. Manufacturers are designing these vehicles and publishing guides with maintenance and safety in mind.
Question 1 Is there a difference in the service and maintenance inspection (process and requirement) for a hydrogen vehicle compared to a conventional vehicle? b - buses
b - Maintenance needs and service requirements for hydrogen (fuel cell) vehicles are similar to those of conventional vehicles. Manufacturers are designing these vehicles and publishing guides with maintenance and safety in mind.
Question 1 Is there a difference in the service and maintenance inspection (process and requirement) for a hydrogen vehicle compared to a conventional vehicle? c - trolleybuses
c - Maintenance needs and service requirements for hydrogen (fuel cell) vehicles are similar to those of conventional vehicles. Manufacturers are designing these vehicles and publishing guides with maintenance and safety in mind.
Question 1 Is there a difference in the service and maintenance inspection (process and requirement) for a hydrogen vehicle compared to a conventional vehicle? d - trucks If yes, please specify, e.g. what are the specific maintenance needs and service requirements for hydrogen vehicles?
d - Maintenance needs and service requirements for hydrogen (fuel cell) vehicles are similar to those of conventional vehicles. Manufacturers are designing these vehicles and publishing guides with maintenance and safety in mind.
Question 2 Which are the responsible authorities/independent bodies to carry out technical inspections? a - cars (incl. taxis)
a - Road Safety and Traffic directorate (CSDD) Regulations regarding the Technical Inspection and Technical Control of Vehicles on the Road No.466 29.04.2004 Article 3. The technical inspection of a vehicle shall be conducted no later than five days after the first registration of the vehicle, and henceforth in accordance with the time period during which the vehicle is permitted to be used in road traffic, but not less than once a year. Vehicles used for the commercial transport of passengers (taxis and buses), as well as vehicles registered by institutions that teach driving and other accordingly registered vehicles, shall be inspected not less than twice a year. The date until which the vehicle is permitted to be used in road traffic (which is determined by a computer software programme for an interval up to 13 months), shall be displayed on the technical inspection label (in the technical inspection sheet, for a one–day permit).
Question 2 Which are the responsible authorities/independent bodies to carry out technical inspections? b - buses
b - Road Safety and Traffic directorate (CSDD) Regulations regarding the Technical Inspection and Technical Control of Vehicles on the Road No.466 29.04.2004 Article 3. The technical inspection of a vehicle shall be conducted no later than five days after the first registration of the vehicle, and henceforth in accordance with the time period during which the vehicle is permitted to be used in road traffic, but not less than once a year. Vehicles used for the commercial transport of passengers (taxis and buses), as well as vehicles registered by institutions that teach driving and other accordingly registered vehicles, shall be inspected not less than twice a year. The date until which the vehicle is permitted to be used in road traffic (which is determined by a computer software programme for an interval up to 13 months), shall be displayed on the technical inspection label (in the technical inspection sheet, for a one–day permit).
Question 2 Which are the responsible authorities/independent bodies to carry out technical inspections? c - trolleybuses
c - specified in a Municipal level.
Question 2 Which are the responsible authorities/independent bodies to carry out technical inspections? d - trucks
d - Road Safety and Traffic directorate (CSDD) Regulations regarding the Technical Inspection and Technical Control of Vehicles on the Road No.466 29.04.2004 Article 3. The technical inspection of a vehicle shall be conducted no later than five days after the first registration of the vehicle, and henceforth in accordance with the time period during which the vehicle is permitted to be used in road traffic, but not less than once a year. Vehicles used for the commercial transport of passengers (taxis and buses), as well as vehicles registered by institutions that teach driving and other accordingly registered vehicles, shall be inspected not less than twice a year. The date until which the vehicle is permitted to be used in road traffic (which is determined by a computer software programme for an interval up to 13 months), shall be displayed on the technical inspection label (in the technical inspection sheet, for a one–day permit).
Question 3 Is there a framework and if yes, what are the requirements to operate a testing, inspection and certification (service and maintenance) company for hydrogen vehicles? Are they different from a conventional vehicle? a) technical i. cars (incl. taxis) ii. buses iii. trolleybuses iv. trucks b) legislative / certification i. cars (incl. taxis) ii. buses iii. trolleybuses iv. trucks
a) technical i. cars (incl. taxis) ii. buses iii. trolleybuses iv. trucks – The motor vehicle repair shops for the maintenance of hydrogen–powered vehicles do not require a special permit by the authorities. They are the responsibility of the operator . The safety requirements for the maintenece service points are - It is forbiden to enter in an explosive environment for vehicles the tires of which are equipped with studs or chains. Check of an electrical installation (including of an earthing device and a lightning protection device) shall be performed once in 10 years, but if there is the following in the object or the territory: explosive environment - once in two years. An electrical installation, electrical facility, and electrical device in an object and territory in which an explosive environment may occur shall be in an explosion-proof construction in conformity with the zoning of an explosive environment. It is prohibited to use an electrical installation, electrical facility, and electrical device in explosive environment which is not adequately protected (in an explosion-proof construction) and which does not bear the labelling. It is prohibited to operate a technological facility in an explosive and fire-hazardous object and to perform technological process, if the ventilation system has been damaged or is not operating. The maximum distance from any place in the room to the location of the fire extinguisher: may not exceed 15 m in an explosive object or territory. Technological facilities of explosive processes shall be equipped with devices of removing static electricity and with earthing devices. Earthing devices shall be ensured with the specific sign. Automatic air analysers warning regarding an explosive concentration shall be installed in the manufacturing structures and rooms of the object of economic activity in which an explosive environment may occur. Automatic air analysers shall be maintained in working order and used according to the technical provisions of the manufacturer. b) legislative / certification i. cars (incl. taxis) ii. buses iii. trolleybuses iv. trucks – No
Describe the comparable technology and its relevance with regard to hydrogen
Electric vehicles, gas vehicles

National legislation:

EU Legislation: