Type approval & Individual vehicle registration - Process

This LAP analyses:
• The classification of hydrogen vehicles for type approval purposes,
• The applicable types of type approvals,
• The responsible approval authorities, and
• The differences in type approval process of hydrogen vehicles compared to conventional vehicles.


Type approval means the procedure whereby a EU Member State certifies that a type of vehicle, system, component or separate technical unit satisfies the relevant administrative provisions and technical requirements.
Motor vehicle registration is the registration of a motor vehicle with a government authority. The purpose of motor vehicle registration is to establish a link between a vehicle and an owner or user of the vehicle. While almost all motor vehicles are uniquely identified by a vehicle identification number, only registered vehicles display a vehicle registration plate and carry a vehicle registration certificate.
Council Directive 1999/37/ EC on the registration documents for vehicle/.
Registration means the administrative authorisation for the entry into service in road traffic of a vehicle, involving the identification of the latter and the issuing to it of a serial number, to be known as the registration number.

Pan-European Assessment:

The type approval process for hydrogen powered vehicles does not in general differ from that of conventional vehicles, however the hydrogen systems and components have to undergo a number of specific tests.

The requirements and procedures for the type approval of hydrogen powered vehicles are harmonized across EU and do not represent a structural barrier or a regulatory gap. Some issues may arise due to differences in interpretation, implementation and enforcement of the EU and UNECE regulations by national type -approval authorities. This may present an operational barrier and thus it is essential to ensure a correct and harmonised application of the type-approval procedures
Is it a barrier?
Type of Barrier
Operational barriers, Economic barriers
Assessment Severity
Additional level of certification (including test and validation) for all forms of FCEVs . Additional time and cost for certification at EWVTA or small series / IVA level


Question 1 How is a hydrogen vehicle classified? (as an electric/gas/hydrogen vehicle?) a - cars (incl. taxis)
a - fuel cell electric
Question 1 How is a hydrogen vehicle classified? (as an electric/gas/hydrogen vehicle?) b - buses
b - as a Fuel Cell Electric Bus
Question 1 How is a hydrogen vehicle classified? (as an electric/gas/hydrogen vehicle?) c - trolleybuses
c - trolleybus is not a UK classification – ‘bus and coach’ is used as the certification category
Question 1 How is a hydrogen vehicle classified? (as an electric/gas/hydrogen vehicle?) d - trucks
d - there is no experience with trucks in the UK (only vans) so far. It is expected it will be consistent with other vehicle classes - so as a fuel cell electric (light, medium or heavy duty) truck
Question 2 What type of type-approval is applicable? a - EU
a - EU – based on EWVTA where available for the classification of vehicle
Question 2 What type of type-approval is applicable? b - National
b - Small Series – national level for vehicles / vehicle types where the vehicle volume is low and the cost of seeking EWVTA is high (or the vehicle is a ‘retrofit’ ) in which case National Small Series Type Approval is appropriate
Question 2 What type of type-approval is applicable? c - Individual
c - Individual Vehicle Approval is for manufacturing or importing single vehicles or very small numbers. IVA does not require Conformity of Production (CoP) as it us based on inspection of each vehicle.
Question 3 Which is the responsible approval authority? a) for the type approval i. cars (incl. taxis) ii. buses iii. trolleybuses iv. trucks b) for individual vehicle registration i. cars (incl. taxis) ii. buses iii. trolleybuses iv. trucks
a) for the type approval i. cars (incl. taxis) ii. buses iii. trolleybuses iv. trucks – The UK Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) is the designated UK Approval Authority and a Technical Service for all type approvals to automotive EC Directives and most UN Regulations b) for individual vehicle registration i. cars (incl. taxis) ii. buses iii. trolleybuses iv. trucks – Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency DVLA
Question 4 Is there a difference in the type approval process for a hydrogen vehicle compared to a conventional vehicle? a - cars (incl. taxis)
a - In principle all vehicle follow the same EWVTA process and there is typically a 60% carry over for vehicle standard parts and equipment (brakes, lights, controls, steering, etc.) and the balance is for electrical drive (FC system) and H2 storage. With the H2 storage the most significant item requiring specific review against homologation requirements.. The first FCEV to obtain EWVTA was in 2010 and there has since been a variety of ‘templates’ to follow that make this more straightforward but it is still time consuming and costly (up to 12 months depending on the vehicle carry over from already approved parts – and up to 1M Euro depending on the extent of unique and witnessed test and validation work required to cover key components and full system)
Question 4 Is there a difference in the type approval process for a hydrogen vehicle compared to a conventional vehicle? b - buses
b - Directive 2007/46/EC, as amended, introduced the basis of a European wide certification scheme for the Bus and Coach category of vehicle
Question 4 Is there a difference in the type approval process for a hydrogen vehicle compared to a conventional vehicle? c - trolleybuses
c - In principle there is no difference; but note that the UK does not use the trolleybus category (bus & coach instead)
Question 4 Is there a difference in the type approval process for a hydrogen vehicle compared to a conventional vehicle? d - trucks If yes, please specify, e.g. how long does the procedure take and what are the costs to obtain a type approval?
d - In principle there is no difference - but there is no expereince with tucks at this stage in the UK
Describe the comparable technology and its relevance with regard to hydrogen
Hybrid and electric vehicles or gas fuelled vehicles

National legislation:

EU Legislation: