Type approval & Individual vehicle registration - Process

This LAP analyses:
• The classification of hydrogen vehicles for type approval purposes,
• The applicable types of type approvals,
• The responsible approval authorities, and
• The differences in type approval process of hydrogen vehicles compared to conventional vehicles.


Type approval means the procedure whereby a EU Member State certifies that a type of vehicle, system, component or separate technical unit satisfies the relevant administrative provisions and technical requirements.
Motor vehicle registration is the registration of a motor vehicle with a government authority. The purpose of motor vehicle registration is to establish a link between a vehicle and an owner or user of the vehicle. While almost all motor vehicles are uniquely identified by a vehicle identification number, only registered vehicles display a vehicle registration plate and carry a vehicle registration certificate.
Council Directive 1999/37/ EC on the registration documents for vehicle/.
Registration means the administrative authorisation for the entry into service in road traffic of a vehicle, involving the identification of the latter and the issuing to it of a serial number, to be known as the registration number.

Pan-European Assessment:

The type approval process for hydrogen powered vehicles does not in general differ from that of conventional vehicles, however the hydrogen systems and components have to undergo a number of specific tests.

The requirements and procedures for the type approval of hydrogen powered vehicles are harmonized across EU and do not represent a structural barrier or a regulatory gap. Some issues may arise due to differences in interpretation, implementation and enforcement of the EU and UNECE regulations by national type -approval authorities. This may present an operational barrier and thus it is essential to ensure a correct and harmonised application of the type-approval procedures
Is it a barrier?
Assessment Severity
The impact of the LAP is a minor one since if passenger cars or other power driven vehicles – fuelled by hydrogen – are viable from the economic perspective or required because of other politically determined reasons, usually the producers will take care of the approval. The producers are familiar with these procedures thus can achieve the necessary approvals in a very efficient way. An individual approval is not that common subsequently would increase the investment for the transportation device - in particular if taking into account that the type approval for hydrogen "fuelled" vehicles is still relatively seldom thus an individual approval will be time consuming and costly. According to our discussions with ÖAMTC (club of car and motorbike drivers) the type approval – even on an individual basis – is not to be regarded as a barrier


Question 1 How is a hydrogen vehicle classified? (as an electric/gas/hydrogen vehicle?) a - cars (incl. taxis)
a - According to the taxation provisions (tax law), a hydrogen fuelled vehicle in which the fuel cell generates electricity is classified – regarding tax benefits – in analogy to an electric vehicle – even in case of a hybrid – fuel cell + battery which supports the market penetration of hydrogen fuelled vehicles because of the tax benefits attributed to this kind of cars. For the type approval the hydrogen vehicles are classified as hydrogen vehicles
Question 1 How is a hydrogen vehicle classified? (as an electric/gas/hydrogen vehicle?) b - buses
b - According to the law on power driven vehicles, hydrogen vehicles are classified as Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFV).
Question 1 How is a hydrogen vehicle classified? (as an electric/gas/hydrogen vehicle?) c - trolleybuses
b - According to the law on power driven vehicles, hydrogen vehicles are classified as Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFV).
Question 1 How is a hydrogen vehicle classified? (as an electric/gas/hydrogen vehicle?) d - trucks
b - According to the law on power driven vehicles, hydrogen vehicles are classified as Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFV).
Question 2 What type of type-approval is applicable? a - EU
a - The Minister of Transportation, Innovation and Technology is responsible for the issuance, amendment, extension and denial of EU type approvals in line with the provisions of Directive 2007/46/EC and Regulations 167/2013 and 168/2013.
Question 2 What type of type-approval is applicable? b - National
b - The Minister of Transportation, Innovation and Technology is responsible for the national type approval. The approval has to be issued if the required data are provided and are in line with the requirements of the law on power driven vehicles and the thereto related ordinances ( see § 28 of the law on power driven vehicles)
Question 2 What type of type-approval is applicable? c - Individual
b - The Minister of Transportation, Innovation and Technology is responsible for the individual approval. The approval has to be issued if the required data are provided and are in line with the requirements of the law on power driven vehicles and the thereto related ordinances ( see § 28 of the law on power driven vehicles)
Question 3 Which is the responsible approval authority? a) for the type approval i. cars (incl. taxis) ii. buses iii. trolleybuses iv. trucks b) for individual vehicle registration i. cars (incl. taxis) ii. buses iii. trolleybuses iv. trucks
a) for the type approval i. cars (incl. taxis) ii. buses iii. trolleybuses iv. trucks – Ministry of transport, Innovation and Technology b) for individual vehicle registration i. cars (incl. taxis) ii. buses iii. trolleybuses iv. trucks – Testing laboratory of the regarding Federal State (Bundesland = KFZ Zulassungsstelle)
Question 4 Is there a difference in the type approval process for a hydrogen vehicle compared to a conventional vehicle? a - cars (incl. taxis)
b - A hydrogen "fuelled" car is regarded as power driven vehicle, thus has to follow - as “conventional” vehicles - the provisions of the law on power driven vehicles.Therefore there is no difference regarding type approval process.
Question 4 Is there a difference in the type approval process for a hydrogen vehicle compared to a conventional vehicle? b - buses
b - A hydrogen "fuelled" bus is regarded as power driven vehicle, thus has to follow - as “conventional” vehicles - the provisions of the law on power driven vehicles.Therefore there is no difference regarding type approval process.
Question 4 Is there a difference in the type approval process for a hydrogen vehicle compared to a conventional vehicle? c - trolleybuses
c - A hydrogen "fuelled" trolley bus is regarded as power driven vehicle and has to follow - as conventional vehicles - the provisions stated in the law on power driven vehicles, therefore there is no difference regarding type approval process.
Question 4 Is there a difference in the type approval process for a hydrogen vehicle compared to a conventional vehicle? d - trucks If yes, please specify, e.g. how long does the procedure take and what are the costs to obtain a type approval?
c - A hydrogen "fuelled" truck is regarded as power driven vehicle and has to follow - as conventional vehicles - the provisions stated in the law on power driven vehicles, therefore there is no difference regarding type approval process.
Describe the comparable technology and its relevance with regard to hydrogen
The type approval can be regarded as comparable to the type approval of a CNG, LNG or electric vehicle. CNG means the application of high pressurized natural gas – highly explosive whereas LNG uses – as storage – liquefied natural gas – which generates boil off gas

National legislation:

EU Legislation: