Road planning

This LAP indicates if hydrogen has to follow specific requirements when transported, and if the regulations are different from the transport of other types of gas. It identifes the competent authorities to allocate the routes.


Road Planning provide the municipalities with a clear understanding of the maximum risks that the transport of hazardous substances may cause. Baseline goals are: Transport hazardous substances between major industrial sites and abroad, including in the future, keeping risks for locals along the routes within legal limits, provide clarity to municipalities about what may / may not be built.

Pan-European Assessment:

Hydrogen is considered as any other flammable gas or dangerous good for its transportation. The Agreement of transport of Dangerous Goods by Road applies.
Is it a barrier?
Assessment Severity
The LAP is important for identifying the requirements for transport of hydrogen by road.


Question 1 Are there any specific regulations or restrictions on the road transport of hydrogen? A) Does hydrogen have to follow specific requirements when transported? (e.g. specific types of roads, specific route)
There are no specific requirements for hydrogen to follow specific routes when transported. The transportation of dangerous goods or the passing of heavy trucks my be prohibited in some areas marked with traffic signs.
Question 1 Are there any specific regulations or restrictions on the road transport of hydrogen? B) Please specify the requirements regarding tunnels, bridges, parking, others
a) Tunnels The road tunnels are categorised according to ADR. The transport of dangerous goods is allowed without restrictions for category A. The hydrogen carriage in tanks is forbidden through tunnels of categories B, C, D and E, whereas the hydrogen in packages (cylinders) can pass through tunnel categories A, B, C without restriction. For a specific time frame when the traffic intensity is very high may be imposed some additional restrictions. E.g. the tunnel Alsterkrugchaussee in Hamburg has category E from 6 a.m. till 9 p.m., and C for the rest of the time. The actual restrictions for use of road tunnels in Germany can be found on the web–site of Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure.–der–nutzung–von–strassentunneln–gemaess–adr.html b) bridges and others According to 1.9.2 and 1.9.3 of the ADR European Agreement the road transport authorities may apply to vehicles for transport of dangerous goods of road certain additional provisions (not included in ADR), provided that those provisions do not conflict with ADR. These could be safety requirements or restrictions concerning vehicles using bridges, ferries or trains, entering or leaving ports or other transport terminals. Regular parking of motor vehicles with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 7.5 tonnes and trailers with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 2 tonnes within exclusively or generally residential areas is prohibited between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. as well as on Sundays and public holidays.
Question 2 Which authorities are competent to allocate the routes? (and at what level: national, local?)
Road authorities may vary among the states e.g. district road authorities. For determination of route by general ruling the competent authority is the State Transport Ministry.
Question 3 Are the regulations differing from the transport of other types of gas?
As a whole, there are no significantly different or higher requirements for the transport of hydrogen in relation to other flammable gases.
Describe the comparable technology and its relevance with regard to hydrogen
Transport of flammable gases.

National legislation:

EU Legislation: