Road planning

This LAP indicates if hydrogen has to follow specific requirements when transported, and if the regulations are different from the transport of other types of gas. It identifes the competent authorities to allocate the routes.


Road Planning provide the municipalities with a clear understanding of the maximum risks that the transport of hazardous substances may cause. Baseline goals are: Transport hazardous substances between major industrial sites and abroad, including in the future, keeping risks for locals along the routes within legal limits, provide clarity to municipalities about what may / may not be built.

Pan-European Assessment:

Hydrogen is considered as any other flammable gas or dangerous good for its transportation. The Agreement of transport of Dangerous Goods by Road applies.
Is it a barrier?
Assessment Severity
This LAP has only an implication on the parking of the transporting trucks delivering H2.


Question 1 Are there any specific regulations or restrictions on the road transport of hydrogen? A) Does hydrogen have to follow specific requirements when transported? (e.g. specific types of roads, specific route)
There are no specific requirements for the transport of H2. As every “dangerous good”; – it can be transported on roads authorised for the circulation of “heavy trucks” ( over 7,5 T); – the transport is forbidden: on Sundays from 00h00 to 22h00, on Saturdays after 22h00 and on days before an official “free days” after 22h00. There can be some specific and permanent exemptions delivered by the local regional administrative state authority. The speed of the trucks transporting dangerous goods is limited: – 80 km/h on highways; – 70 km/h on “priority roads” (60 km/h if there is no ABS on board); – 60 km/h on other roads. The transport truck can be parked: – for 2h only; – between 2h and 12 h in an urban area, if the distance to the next buildings is over 30 m; – over 12 h, outside an urban area, if the distance to the next buildings is over 50 m. .
Question 1 Are there any specific regulations or restrictions on the road transport of hydrogen? B) Please specify the requirements regarding tunnels, bridges, parking, others
The requirements for tunnels and bridges are fixed on a case by case basis by the transport ministry and the ministry of inland affairs (Ministère de l’Intérieur – DGSCGC Division). A national classification list for the different tunnels in France is given for the transport of dangerous goods, especially flammable gases, through this tunnels. Depending on the classification of the tunnel, H2 may be authorized or not. For parking facilities, it is generally forbidden to store dangerous goods there. The storage of bulk H2 in parkings for example is forbidden, for safety reasons (it does not mean that H2 vehicles can not be parked there).
Question 2 Which authorities are competent to allocate the routes? (and at what level: national, local?)
The “Transport Ministry” is competent for the allocation of specific routes.
Question 3 Are the regulations differing from the transport of other types of gas?
There is no difference with the transport of other types of gases. the transport of H2 stored into metal hydrides is considered as the equivalent to the transport of “magnesium powder”. It has only a consequence on the classification of the “good transported” witch is classified as magnesium powder and not as H2. The classification and characteristics on the transporting container, according to the ADR agreement, are not the same.
Describe the comparable technology and its relevance with regard to hydrogen
Transport of industrial gases like: éthylene, propylene, LPG / Transport of chemicals like: chlorine, bromine, fluorine…..

National legislation:

EU Legislation: