Regulation of approval of moped and motorcycles / Forskrift om godkjenning av moped og motorsykkel (motorsykkelforskriften), 01.09.2016

National Legislation (Norway)
Relation with EU Legislation:
Implements regulation (EU) no. 168/2013), no. 46a (regulation (EU) no. 3/2014 as amended by regulation (EU) 2016/1824), no. 46b (regulation (EU) no. 44/2014 as amended by regulation (EU) 2016/1824), no. 46c (regulation (EU) no. 901/2014 as amended by regulation (EU) 2016/1825) and no. 46d (regulation (EU) no. 134/2014 as amended by regulation (EU) 2016/1824.
National regulation (government), Mandatory (decree)
Affected LAPs:
Type approval & Individual vehicle registration - Process
Vehicles / Bikes, Motorcycles, Quadracycles